Welcome to Mahima Mindful Society

Bringing mindful society, celebrating the now, welcoming all novelty to new possibility

Why Mahima Mindful Society?

We bring together creators, writers, educators, researchers and learners to exchange ideas and knowledge so that we can understand identity, cultures beyond our own, celebrate our wins together, inspire and support each other in our pursuits, so that we can have a ton of fun along the way and foster a vibrant community of passionate individuals.

The Results You'll Get

Our community, courses, and memberships are pretty special. We’re focused on the ways it will make a huge difference in your life.

Here are a few of the things you’ll be able to do as a member of Mahima Mindful Society:

  • Engage with diverse individuals, learning about identities and cultures different from your own.
  • Share and celebrate your accomplishments, receiving positive reinforcement and support from like-minded individuals.
  • Learn from educators and researchers, enhancing your understanding and skills in your creative pursuits.

When You Join Today

When you join Mahima Mindful Society today, you’ll get access to our:

  • Cultural Exchange Events: Participate in one of our live educational events, where creators, writers and researchers give talks and hold Q&A sessions about diverse cultures across the world. It's a great way to learn, and also an opportunity for you to share your own unique perspective.
  • Collaborative Learning Courses: Engage actively in our courses with video chat, which focus on various topics around identity and culture. You can interact directly with educators, ask questions, discuss with fellow learners, enhancing your overall learning experience while making it enjoyable.
  • Write and Share: Showcase your observational skills, creativity and research prowess by contributing written pieces on identity and cultural themes to our community. Not only will it strengthen your writing skills, but it also enables an exchange of ideas, enhancing the learning experience for everyone involved.